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Rafaël Harvey-Pinard undergoes surgery: a four-month absence awaits him
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot

A few days ago, we learned that Rafaël Harvey-Pinard had injured himself. We knew it was a lower-body injury.

Yesterday, however, the Canadiens announced that the Quebecer had undergone surgery on a fractured leg. We’re talking about a four-month convalescence.

He will therefore miss the next camp and the start of next season. If the Habs’ timetable proves realistic, we should see RHP back at the end of November, six weeks after the start of the regular season.

This isn’t the first injury for the Quebecer, who will be a restricted free agent in a year’s time. Over the past year, he has often been absent and unable to take his wanderings.

This will be the case again at the start of the season. He won’t be able to fight for a spot in camp, and will have to earn his place in the sun later on, when his teammates are in full season.

Details to follow…

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