He’ll be an in-demand pitcher. https://t.co/AVpHWx361o
– Passion MLB (@passion_mlb) July 31, 2023

Paul Houde loses his microphone | “I respect this decision, but I don’t understand it” https://t.co/T2eZfzybsS
– La Presse (@LP_LaPresse) May 13, 2022
We wondered if he’d be back in the same role this year, since BPM Sports still hasn’t unveiled its programming for the next radio season, which starts in just a few weeks’ time.
Note that several articles on the web mention that Paul Houde is “landing” at BPM, as if he’d never worked there last year. Is the station doing enough to promote his presence?
While some are hoping to see the Habs get their hands on Carter Hart, that’s not the case for @mathiasbrunet. 🔵⚪️🔴
To hear the full column with Paul Houde: https://t.co/4bZS3W0TGb pic.twitter.com/MMThUJKguW
– BPM Sports (@BPMSportsRadio) June 6, 2023
From what we’ve heard on the subject, he’ll have a bigger role than before in a schedule that will be unveiled shortly by the station and that will be different from last year. There will be some departures.
So, if he makes it through the week, that means he’ll be pushing someone out – by force of circumstance.
Remember that last year, during the week, Daphnée Malboeuf and Jean-Charles Lajoie hosted in the morning, Gilbert Delorme and Ben Roger followed them, Georges Laraque and Maxime Truman did lunch, Maxime Van Houtte set the table for Martin Lemay on the way back and Jordan Boivin did the evening.
In gusto
– Things are moving in MLB.
– One to watch.
At 9:30 this morning. Canada’s first game at the #U18 #HlinkaGreyzky Tournament. #RDS https://t.co/UKd0Nc0abF
– Stephane Leroux (@StephRDSJunior) July 31, 2023
– Victory for the Alouettes.
David Côté rewarded after holding his head highhttps://t.co/zlvdBPoIkq
– RDS (@RDSca) July 31, 2023
– Tough Canadian defeat.
Canada finishes with a record of one win, one loss and one draw and is eliminated from the group stage at this 2023 Women’s #SoccerWorldCup.
Disappointing, after winning the title at the Tokyo Olympics.@CanadaSoccerFR– Raphaël Doucet (@raphdoucet) July 31, 2023
– Indeed.
The Rudy Camacho trade isn’t official yet, but the fan reaction is very strong 🔥
Never seen people so angry, I’m quite surprised.
I hope the club will prepare accordingly. Sometimes a leak can be useful 😉#CFMTL
– Nilton Jorge (@NiltonJorge) July 31, 2023