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Arber Xhekaj is featured in an advertisement for La Belle et La Bœuf
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Arber Xhekaj is a popular player in Montreal.

This became clear when he teamed up with Quebec restaurant chain La Chambre in October 2023, even though he had only played one NHL season.

He saw a burger created in his name, and that’s the case again this year.

The difference?

This time, the Habs defenseman has teamed up with La Belle and La Bœuf restaurants.

The presentation of the new “Le Shérif” burger was made with the help of a video posted on Instagram, in which Xhekaj is seen going to sit at a table to scare a fan who has a blue sweater (surely for the Leafs) on his back.

The burger is built with a beef patty, beef flank steak, pepper sauce, fried onions, bacon, mushrooms, red peppers and lettuce.

It’s stocked, to put it another way:

In the post, we hear Arber say a few words in French to “his beautiful” damsel sitting in front of him.

It’s well done, and a good idea. We all know that the Habs defenseman has a reputation for scaring other teams, and the restaurant chain took advantage of this fact in its ad.

How logical!

On a more serious note, I think it’s interesting to see the Canadiens’ defenseman team up with another local company.

He knows how to find ways to connect even more with French-speaking fans, and that’s what’s important in the end.

Note that at the end of the ad, we see that the new burger is now available in various restaurants.

So, my question is this: will you be trying the new gastronomic creation from La Belle et La Boeuf restaurants in the next few weeks?

Well, I might, because the burger looks (very) good in the pictures… Hehe.


– Johnathan Kovacevic and Jake Allen will play tonight at the Bell Centre.

– Speaking of Jake Allen:

– He knows what he’s worth.

– Good point.

– The goalie is looking to break the bank.

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