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Canadiens: three players to watch on the market
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
As you know, NHL executives are always looking for ways to improve their clubs. And so is Kent Hughes, who just happens to be on the phone right now.

Does making a deal to move the club forward also mean that current players could go the other way in a trade? That’s a possibility on the table, I’m sure.

And on this subject, the website The Fourth Period has just published a text featuring three Habs players who could be at risk of changing address in the future.

In David Calabretta’s text, the names Joel Armia, Christian Dvorak and Josh Anderson came up in the discussion. These are names that come up a lot.

Obviously, Josh Anderson will be hard to get out because of his contract. Especially since the club most in need of a forward in the league is undoubtedly his former club, the Columbus Blue Jackets.

And since his value is low, I don’t really believe it.

Armia and Dvorak will be interesting cases. They’re at the end of their contracts, and in a third-line role, they can help a good club.

However, the question is this: will Kent Hughes, who wants to add to his team, not subtract from it, manage to find a club that wants one of the guys AND is willing to give a piece that will suit Habs management?

Right now, I don’t see the fit, no.

I have a feeling that if the guys are leaving, it’s because the club’s season is drifting and the young guys are ready to take more. Otherwise, I don’t really see the Habs trading them at this point.

I also get the feeling that right now, Kent Hughes likes D-Vo’s value in Montreal as a left-handed center.


– He can believe it, but…

– Too bad.

– Of note.

– Really?

– Big game tomorrow at Stade Saputo.

– I can imagine.

– Like it.

– Kirby, don’t get hurt.

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