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Réjean Tremblay: Let’s wait before saying that Kent Hughes is one of the best GMs around
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Kent Hughes has been General Manager of the Montreal Canadiens for two years now.

To date, it’s hard to fault him for anything, because he’s already made some very good moves.

The Jake Allen trade, the Samuel Montembeault contract, the acquisitions of Kirby Dach and Alex Newhook, the Jeff Petry situation… Kent Hughes has done what’s best for the team, and that’s nothing to sneeze at.

But we must wait before saying out loud that Hughes is one of the best GMs in the NHL.

That’s the opinion shared by Réjean Tremblay on the radio today (BPM Sports), because it’s too early to assess his overall work:

Before we can be completely reassured, we’d have to do a damn evaluation! – Réjean Tremblay

That said, the Habs’ progress is interesting because they’re fighting every night, even though they’re virtually eliminated from the playoff race.

Some of this “success” deserves to be attributed to Kent Hughes and the management, because the Habs are heading in the right direction:

The next few months are going to be important for the Canadiens because the rebuild is coming to an end.

At least, it should be coming to an end, because the team has been in this situation for two years now.

The youngsters are progressing, and the Habs could have a competitive line-up before too long.

That said, this is where we’ll really be able to assess Kent Hughes’ work, because this is where we’ll see the real results of the last few years.

Even though the team has been losing a lot lately, it’s encouraging because the team is having good games and that’s why we can see the team’s potential.

But if Dach, Newhook and the draft picks made by the new management have a direct impact on the team’s performance two or three years from now, we’ll be able to say that Hughes is among the elite in the big league.


– Enjoy your reading.

– Oh.

– Is there really a market for an ECHL team in the Maritimes?

– Huh!

– Bravo.

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