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Stanley25: Dach’s condo, Pezzetta’s meditation and a tweet with lots of info
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
JT and I did it again with an 8th episode of the Stanley25 podcast.

Reminder: we’ve made the decision to only do 10-episode seasons. So our first introductory season has only two weeks left…

Yesterday, on the set of 9millions, we welcomed a former Canadiens manager who agreed to tell us some information/secrets from his days at the Bell Centre. Since our first two-parter took longer than expected – and our guest agreed to talk about all sorts of ultra-interesting things – we decided to publish the episode in two extracts this week. Part A went online early this morning…

And part B will be uploaded on Sunday. It’s a test; we’ll see how it’s received.

What’s in Part A, published this morning?

A bit of news, but mostly questions and thoughts about the absence of Martin St-Louis. Want to know why I didn’t include all the details of the story in a text about DLC? You’ll soon find out if you watch the first few minutes of the episode. And if you’re resourceful, you’ll understand a little more about the reasons that forced the coach to leave – temporarily, we hope – his club. #PublicInformation

If you’re more lazy than resourceful, there’s an excerpt on 9millions ‘ social networks that will answer your lazyness.

Also on the menu: Michael Pezzetta meditates between periods, Kirby Dach got himself a condo next door to Cole Caufield and Christian Dvorak in downtown Montreal, Logan Mailloux’s dial went wrong a few times this season and the girls who used to give us the scoop… including an ex-wife of a Canadiens player.

From stock, there’s something for everyone. Happy listening !

And don’t forget, part two with a former Groupe CH employee will be unveiled on Sunday. Stay tuned!

In Brief

– The Stars don’t often lose when they face the Coyotes (and they dare to laugh about it on X).

– Evgeny Kuznetsov’s renaissance is cool.

– Kaiden Guhle improved during the season according to Pierre McGuire.

– Alex Newhook made good decisions as a young field hockey player. [LaPresse]

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