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Vincent Desharnais received death threats following his fight against Arber Xhekaj
Professional sports are all dangerous for many different reasons.

In the case of field hockey, the arsenal of difficulties to overcome is vast, but one very important aspect is often overlooked: mental health. Or as Bob from The Boys would say:The mental toughness .

On a more serious note, Edmonton Oilers’ Quebec player Vincent Desharnais recently opened up about a period in his life when he struggled with severe depression, to the point where he considered quitting field hockey.

This Thursday, Desharnais appeared on 98.5 Sports and made a shocking statement when he went back over his fight with Arber Xhekaj last February.

The Laval native claimed that he received death threats after Xhekaj injured his shoulder.


I simply can’t believe how horrible people can be with what they say.

Obviously, Tricolore fans were extremely disappointed to see the strongman leave for the dressing room, with his shoulder clearly not in a good state.

We have to make this clear to some, but it was just a silly accident, in no way intentional on Desharnais’s part. These are simply the risks of being a strongman.

I invite you to listen to Vincent Desharnais’ full interview on 98,5 Sports, right here.

Desharnais surprised many this season by making an unexpected leap into the show, after shuttling back and forth between the AHL and ECHL for the past few years.

The Lavallois did an excellent job defensively and physically, playing as if he were an NHL veteran.


– A great conference finals match-up between the Denver Nuggets and Los Angeles Lakers.

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– Very interesting.

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