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Coyotes: players and fans alike are disappointed
Last night, the fate of the Arizona Coyotes took a nasty blow.

Citizens voted 56% NO to an amphitheater project in Tempe. As Renaud Lavoie points out, it’s a shame for the city, which could have used a little action for once.

So what’s next for this franchise, which brings in a lot of money for Gary Bettman via TV contracts?

Quebec City? Houston? Atlanta?

Remember that Quebec City already has a beautiful amphitheatre with just over 18,000 seats. The Remparts are able to sell all their tickets for playoff games. I don’t see why the Nordiques couldn’t do the same. Gary Bettman has a word to say on the matter, though. That’s the problem…

In short, as far as the Coyotes are concerned, there’s a great deal of disappointment among fans and players alike.

Yesterday, Clayton Keller posted this on Twitter.

The man who signed a huge contract to stay with the Coyotrs seems to like the organization and the city. After all, he’s one of the only ones here for the long haul.

And when he saw his new amphitheatre at the University of Arizona, he seemed quite happy with the situation and pointed out several positive aspects (in his eyes) of his new home.

Many fans are also very disappointed with the whole situation, and rightly so.

Craig Morgan, a journalist covering the team’s activities, has received several messages from fans who continue to support their team despite everything.

Morgan wonders if the NHL’s patience is finally running out.

According to François Gagnon, it looks like the end for the Arizona field hockey franchise…

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