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Patrick Roy wants nothing to do with NHL rumours
Patrick Roy has a thousand and one preoccupations at the moment, but his possible return to the NHL is far from being one of them.

He is currently guiding his team to the provincial title, a trophy that still eludes him as coach of the Québec Remparts.

His team has yet to lose in the playoffs this year and will face the Mooseheads tomorrow night in the final.

It all started when journalist Kevin Weekes posted a photo of New York City next to a GIF of Patrick Roy on his Twitter account, suggesting that Roy could replace Gerard Gallant as Rangers head coach as early as next year.

At a press conference, Roy began by quipping that the only reason his name was being bandied about was because he wouldn’t get the job, a reference to the many times his name has been bandied about in Montreal.

He added another layer when the possibility of adding a trophy could help him.

“I’m not even interested in knowing. If they want to call me, they have my phone number and they’ll find a way to reach me (…)”. – Patrick Roy

I’m always cautious when it comes to Roy and a possible job in the NHL. What’s changed since the last time his name came up in the NHL? Sure, he’s having a lot of success this season, but the concerns remain the same.

Meanwhile, the former CH goaltender made a controversial statement late last night on Mario Langlois. He mentioned that the atmosphere at the Centre Vidéotron last week was even better than that at the Canadiens-Nordiques games he had attended.

If Roy wanted to get the fans going, he succeeded, and one thing’s for sure: it’s going to be noisy in Quebec City tomorrow.

In brief

– Three good candidates.

– Logan Mailloux’s team leads 1-0 in the series.

– It’s off to overtime.

– I agree.

– Nice recognition.

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