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ÉCJ: Players receive hate mail after club’s elimination yesterday
The Junior Team Canada tournament came to a cruel end yesterday.

The Canadians conceded a goal with eleven seconds left in the game against the Czech Republic, when the score was 2-2.

The Unifolies were thus eliminated in the quarter-finals, which is obviously a disappointment…

But even if fans are disappointed, that doesn’t excuse the fact that some players in the Canadian squad have received threats and hate messages in their respective inboxes.


Posted by @gordmillertsn
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It’s sad because the kids clearly don’t deserve to be insulted for their performance.

Canada lost, OK… But it’s not like the earth is going to stop spinning as soon as next week. And just because the kids didn’t come home with gold doesn’t mean they’re rotten or anything.

Stéphane Leroux explained it well in a tweet, by the way. It’s only a game…

And let’s not forget that Canada had to juggle a lineup that was missing a lot of NHL players. Adam Fantilli, Zach Benson, Shane Wright, Connor Bedard, Tristan Luneau (injured), Kevin Korchinski… All these guys were eligible to play in the tournament, but they weren’t there.

Things would probably have been different, we agree. Owen Beck was the only “veteran” on the team too, and that’s not to be forgotten.

Zachary Fucale’s comments are along the same lines.

JiC (TVA Sports) posted on Twitter that the “resounding” failure of the Canadian program at the WJC demonstrates that there is a clear lag regarding player development, and Fucale challenged him a bit by reminding him that Canada won the 2022 and 2023 editions of the tournament and that defeats like yesterday’s do happen :

I’m not saying that Canada didn’t deserve to be eliminated and that yesterday’s defeat should never have happened.

I’m saying that the team’s young players can walk away with their heads held high because there was a glaring lack of leadership in the squad and because they gave it their all.

Connor Bedard was quick to praise the performance of his compatriots. He says it’s boring, but he’s proud of the Canadians’ performance. We need more Connor Bedards.

At some point, defeat and the feeling of having lost are all well and good… But these kids are 17-18-19-20 years old and shouldn’t be insulted in private or in public for anything.

It seems to me that in 2024, it would be normal to see that people have become more civilized over time. And unfortunately, we’re still a long way from that goal.

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