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Your daily dose of hockey
Marc-André Fleury has finally defied the NHL by wearing his wife’s mask.

If you’re a daily reader of our articles, you’re probably a big hockey fan, and it may even be your favorite sport.

You love hockey, but unfortunately, the best league in the world, the National Hockey League, isn’t the best in terms of management.

Indeed, more often than not (especially lately), the NHL doesn’t have incredible credibility in the eyes of fans and in the world of sports in general.

Why is this?

Because it makes rather dubious decisions, like the one yesterday, whenit threatened Marc-Andrè Fleury with a fine, or the Wild, if he wore his mask in honour of his wife and the American First Nations.

It’s a completely ridiculous threat, if you ask me, and Marc-André Fleury understood it.

He wore his mask without embarrassment last night during the Wild’s warm-up before serving his role as auxiliary goaltender on the Wild bench for the rest of the game.

Fleury defied the NHL and gave them a well-deserved middle finger by wearing his beautiful mask in honor of his wife.

RDS changed its tweet after originally publishing the middle finger emoji.

As for the potential fine, well, along with the Wild’s warm-up, Michael Russo, who covers the Wild’s activities, announced that it was rather unlikely that the NHL would crack down on Fleury or the Wild.

The Quebec goalie took the risk no matter what.

In short, the NHL looks crazy again, just as it did after refusing to allow Golde Knights goalie Logan Thompson to wear a cancer ribbon on his mask , or when it didn’t even crack down on Travis Dermott for wearing a rainbow-coloured ribbon on his stick.

In a flurry

– Speaking of the Wild, they’re having a tough time of it.

– At least their 19-year-old Russian prospect, Danila Yurov, is performing well in the KHL.

– Uhhhh sorry? Is Dillon Dubé a wizard?

– Coming up.

– Ouch.

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