A London police spokeswoman says the investigation into the alleged group sexual assault committed by Junior Team Canada players in 2018 “is still ongoing”.
This investigation was reopened in July 2022.
– Raphaël Guillemette (@raphael_SRC) September 8, 2023

Still, we’ve been waiting long enough to see the results of the investigation into the alleged Team Canada junior gang rape in 2018.
Since June, we’ve known that Gary Bettman, via an NHL investigation, has the information he needs to issue a report on the subject. No word on whether it will be available soon.
But the NHL isn’t shy about taking its time, and if the optimal time to publish everything hasn’t arrived, it’ll wait.
And I don’t know how easy it is to conclude that concrete results will be announced soon, since the London police haven’t even completed their investigation.
This is what Raphaël Guillemette, who works for Radio-Canada, reports.
Of course, the NHL is not a police force and it’s possible that its in-house investigation ended before the Ontario police investigation. In any case, I’d like to think that the NHL and the police worked together.
But still: I don’t know to what extent the NHL can sanction players before the police have been able to do their job properly and to the end.
Let’s not forget that the London investigation was reopened in 2022, when public pressure made the story important again. Otherwise, who knows if the whole thing would have evolved.
We’ll keep you posted.
In bursts
– Oh wow.
Source : Guillaume Lefrançois, La Presse pic.twitter.com/8ScmDLCtF6
– DansLesCoulisses (@DLCoulisses) September 8, 2023
– Coaches and general managers are currently meeting in Chicago.
According to a league source, at least part of their purpose here is to “raise consciousness” about issues that can occur and how to/how not to deal with them.
– Eric Engels (@EricEngels) September 8, 2023
– He’s correct, the little guy.
This angle of Leo Messi’s goal vs Ecuador 😍 pic.twitter.com/AUwImJTpTJ
– Leo Messi 🔟 Fan Club (@WeAreMessi) September 8, 2023
– A case to follow.
The woman wanted to file a sexual assault complaint against a man who worked in the same league as her husband. She claims she was asked to participate in an arbitration process with the man she describes as her abuser. https://t.co/eFp0hWU3Y0
– Alexandre Pratt (@alexandrepratt) September 8, 2023
– Read more.
A Montreal club that won four Stanley Cups has just completed a four-year rebuild – successfully. My column. https://t.co/0jkxDQqJDo
– Alexandre Pratt (@alexandrepratt) September 8, 2023