Last year, Mathias Brunet and Pierre Gervais caused quite a stir with the publication of their book “Au coeur du vestiaire”. In it, the former equipment manager told us many behind-the-scenes stories about the Canadiens.
It caused a bit more of a stir than expected, as history will recall that the book’s juicier bits caused quite a bit of public controversy.
To the point where the second volume will be released this autumn. That’s what the journalist announced publicly on his social networks this morning.

Note that this is the kind of concept where a sequel is possible. After all, we’re talking about a book full of anectodes, and as long as there’s good juice, it’s possible to write the sequel.
It’s worth noting that we had heard through the grapevine that Mathias was writing a book. So we contacted him for more information on the subject.
We can’t hide anything from you. The writing is almost done, by the way. Pierre still had a lot in his memory box after all! I would never have repeated the experience if I hadn’t been convinced that there was still so much material to tell! – Mathias Brunet
Let’s not forget that, with all the attention paid to the first book, it certainly paid off for both men. And even though the former Canadiens employee was roundly criticized in the public arena.
One wonders whether the anecdotes will be of the same order, or whether Gervais has decided to go less far. Perhaps, on the contrary, he has decided to go further in what he has to say. We’ll see.
I can’t wait to read the book. I enjoyed reading the first volume, and I’d like to think that the second will be a version in the same spirit, that is, to tell us more about Pierre Gervais’s life with the Habs and some of the players.
Will it be the same this year? Will it be sooner, to take advantage of the buzz of field hockey’ s return in October?