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Horrible crowd at yesterday’s Rocket game: “I’ve never seen anything like it”.
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Yesterday, the Rocket was in action in Bridgeport against the New York Islanders training club.

It was an important game for Jean-François Houle’s men, as the playoffs are clearly not assured in Laval. Every win is therefore important, and every defeat crucial.

The Rocket won by a score of 4-0 to move within three points of the playoffs. With a month and a half to go, anything is possible.

That said, yesterday’s win over Patrick Roy’s club team almost takes a back seat when it comes to another aspect of the game: the crowd in Bridgeport.

Anthony Marcotte, who was there, posted a photo during the warm-up… and let’s just say you can count exactly how many fans were there. It’s just awful.

The game describer has been following the Rocket for several years now and says he’s never seen anything like it. With good reason.

It filled up a bit more than that once the game started. That said, when you look at footage of the opening face-off, it sure looks like 2021, when fans started seeing hockey in person again after the pandemic.

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Officially, the LAH announced a crowd of 1,414. Let me doubt it, though: it wasn’t that crowded.

Say what you will about Canada, but the fact remains that a crowd like that for the AHL wouldn’t exist in this country. The AHL hockey craze is strong, regardless of the strength of the home team.

Because, yes, despite everything, the Bridgeport Islanders are the worst club in the AHL, and yesterday, on a weekday, they weren’t hosting an AHL powerhouse. But still…

Now that’s how to get your team talked about in the wrong way.

In gusto

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