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Norman Flynn: Patrick Roy would never have tolerated the ménage à trois in Montreal

The Canadien’s ménage à trois is the talk of the town, and it’s nothing new.

After all, the problem has been there since the very first game of the season…

And if Kent Hughes had had an easy solution to remedy the situation, there wouldn’t still be three goalies in the Habs line-up right now.

The situation in front of the Habs’ net was discussed last night on Hockey 360 (on RDS). Norman Flynn commented on the issue, alluding to the hiring of Patrick Roy in New York…

And he said out loud that Patrick Roy would never have tolerated the ménage à trois in Montreal if he were part of the Habs organization…:

There’s a part of me that understands what Norman Flynn is getting at, given Patrick Roy’s personality and intensity…

But the other part of me wonders what the new Islanders head coach has to do with the Montreal Canadiens.

We’re not talking about the same organization, and we’re talking about two completely different systems. And I’ve said it from the outset: if the Habs had had the chance to fix their problem, it would have been done by now.

Kent Hughes is a smart guy. He knows very well that using three goalies isn’t ideal. But just because Monty, Allen and Primeau are still with the big club today doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried anything to make things easier.

That said, there are clubs that will be looking for a goalie between now and the trade deadline.

The Flyers, for example, are in the midst of a playoff run and have given Carter Hart permission to leave the team temporarily for personal reasons. Dillon Dube has also been given the same permission in Calgary. Dube and Hart played together with Team Canada at the 2018 WJC…

But other than Philadelphia, we can also think of a club like the Oilers (although they’ve been doing well lately) or the Leafs, who are sorely lacking in depth at the goaltending position and have big expectations between now and the end of the season.

All of which is to say that the problem of the ménage à trois persists right now… But it’s not because Kent Hughes isn’t trying to find a solution.

In Brief

– Good news.

– Good point.

– Still.

– Wow! What a line-up!

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