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Martin St-Louis: 21 teams have changed head coach since he took over

It seems that NHL teams have had a short fuse with their head coaches over the past two years. At least, that’s what you realize when you look at the chart of NHL head coach hiring dates.

It’s so intense, that 21 teams have changed head coaches since Martin St-Louis was hired, ranking him 11th in the NHL for longest tenure among active head coaches.

Here’s the chart:

Martin St-Louis was ranked 12th until D.J. Smith was fired from the Ottawa Senators. Still, it seems like only yesterday that St-Louis was hired by the Habs. The official date is February 9, 2022.

So far, the strategy is working for the Habs. There’s probably a lot less pressure on St-Louis’ shoulders because the team is rebuilding, but he’s far from doing a bad job.

And it’s a job recognized by another NHL head coach: Rick Bowness of the Winnipeg Jets.

What Bowness sees in the Quebecer’s management style is the freedom he gives the youngsters. That’s exactly what helped Cole Caufield blossom in early 2022. In his opinion, the Canadiens’ players are good in this system and can take advantage of their talent and speed. He also notes that St-Louis lets them make mistakes so they can learn from them.

Returning to the wave of dismissals over the past two years, 11 teams have hired a new head coach in 2023 (including Drew Bannister and Jacques Martin, who are acting in an interim capacity). And it’s the same in 2022, which means that 22 teams have made a change behind the bench in two years!

For the time being, Martin St-Louis is far from in danger of losing his position, and may well move up a few places on the table. With the Sabres’ difficult start to the season, Don Granato could be the next below St-Louis to jump.

In gusto

– Ottawa could follow in Montreal’s footsteps.

– Unbelievable.

– Now that’s funny!

– He should have a nice place in the team.

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