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Video: Tom Brady saves the Expos with his great baseball career
As you probably know, Tom Brady was drafted by the Expos in the MLB. He often likes to allude to it.

Of course, we know that he ultimately chose to go the NFL route, where he became the goat with the Pats and Bucs. Not exactly a bad decision.

Everyone agrees on that.

But you have to wonder what an athlete like him could have done if he’d really chosen to become a baseball receiver instead of an NFL quarterback.

And the man himself has an idea.

To coincide with the unveiling of an Expos baseball card in his honor, TB12 posted a video (on this December 12, that’s 12-12) in which he imagines all that would have happened if he’d chosen to play in the MLB instead.

The video begins in a sports bar (Brady’s Brasserie) clearly in baseball colors. We see tavern talk where guys say it’s because of his batting stroke (649 home runs) that Brady won seven rings.

Need I remind you that, in reality, Brady has seven (Super Bowl) rings and 649 touchdown passes?

In the video, we see a woman speaking in French (not like a native Quebecer) about his comeback against Atlanta. It’s obviously another football reference.

Later, we see that on TV, Brady shot a bad used tank commercial. And that’s when Expos legends Vladimir Guerrero, Larry Walker and Pedro Martinez are filmed in the bar.

This guy doesn’t let us lose. – Walker

Except against the Giants. – Martinez

Twice. – Guerrero

Twice. Twice. – Walker

Note that following the ad, Eli Manning got into the game. He put on a San Francisco Giants cap and jersey and sent a video to Tom Brady. I thought it was good.

In the bar, with the TV on, we hear that without him, the Montreal franchise was saved from moving.

Later, we see the “real” Brady wake up and learn the purpose of the ad, to feature an Expos ball card. “What could have been could be yours” is the closing slogan.

What a slogan.

Brady would have loved to play with the Expos(although he doesn’t regret his choice, says Richard Labbé) in his career. He’s very attached to the club that drafted him in 1995.

Note that even the Hall of Fame’s Twitter account got on board, producing a plaque with the Expos cap. We can see that, at the end of his career, he would have played for the Tampa Bay Rays… but nowhere does the Red Sox name appear.

Having three Expos legends, Montreal references galore and imagining such a scenario is interesting. Above all, it’s a reminder that the Expos had an eye for recruiting talent.

I say the same thing, Tom, but how would you like to work on bringing them back? I’m asking for a friend…

In gossip

– There were no recalled players at CH training. No injured players jumped on the ice.

– Here are the practice lineups.

– Logical at the blue line.

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