I spoke with Brendan Gallagher’s father and fitness trainer, Ian, and he offers an interesting and non-indulgent look at the steps his son is taking to regain his impact.https://t.co/GnW0Nl2Weq?
– Marc Antoine Godin (@MAGodin) November 20, 2023

In recent years, Brendan Gallagher has clearly slowed down. The effect of injuries on his body clearly plays a role in all this, let’s face it.
Playing in the playoffs in the middle of summer in 2020 and 2021 has also hurt the Habs… and the veteran.
But there’s more to it than that. After all, there are veterans who play in the playoffs and aren’t systematically injured the following season. There are guys who keep up the pace.
Why is that for the CH’s #11?
Well, we know that Gally is a player who is very hard on his body. He always wants to give it his all, and it’s easy to think that he rarely plays at 100%, which isn’t good in the long term.
And on the sidelines of the fathers’ trip, Ian Gallagher, Brendan’s father, confirmed exactly that to Marc Antoine Godin. The latter spoke about it in a paper published this morning on the Radio-Canada website.
It’s worth noting that Mr. Gallagher is his son’s summer fitness coach. So he’s in a good position to know what it takes for Gallagher to stay healthy.
The father told Radio-Canada about Brendan’s fracture last year. In a game against Vancouver, he hurt himself and continued to play for weeks.
The whole recovery process could have been better, starting with his communication with the therapists.
It’s his fault because he didn’t communicate properly what was going on. – Ian Gallagher on his son Brendan and his injuries
It’s easy to blame the Canadiens’ medical staff, who are under public scrutiny, but you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help himself in the first place. If Gally wants to play the warrior and keep going despite his injuries, the Habs can’t always help.
Sometimes, the ball’s just in the player’s court.
The CH now has to hope that Gally sees how much fun it is to play healthy, and that he has enough market value to attract another team to take steps not to play when he can’t anymore.
It’s a win-win situation.
In gusto
– CH training: it’s been a bumpy ride.
#Habs doing one-on-one battle drills at practice this morning #HabsIO pic.twitter.com/79UH9UEbcp
– Stu Cowan (@StuCowan1) November 20, 2023
Head coach Martin St. Louis skating his players hard at end of #Habs practice this morning #HabsIO pic.twitter.com/9Dqja9B1NY
– Stu Cowan (@StuCowan1) November 20, 2023
– The return of the draft to the All-Star Game?
Friedman mentions they are also adding a 3rd day to the event.
– NHL Watcher (@NHL_Watcher) November 20, 2023
– The Alouettes are back in town.
“It’s back home. In Quebec. After thirteen years.” – Dequoy
#Als #GreyCup2023 pic.twitter.com/XlwMW4JGcY
– Kenzie Lalonde (@KenzieTSN) November 20, 2023
Grey Cup champions are back in the fold. @RDSca #AlsMTL pic.twitter.com/6NAht9SZZM
– Raphaël Guillemette (@guillemette_RDS) November 20, 2023
– One to watch.
It remains to be seen if an MLB team will raise its hand. https://t.co/GbsKAV4EPu
– Passion MLB (@passion_mlb) November 20, 2023