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Geoff Molson wants his team to fight for the playoffs
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
This morning, on the heels of the Canadiens golf tournament, owner Geoff Molson spoke to the media.

Obviously, there was one question more important than the others: will the Habs make the playoffs? Basically, is the P-word taboo again this year?

And the owner was clear: he expects the Habs to be in the mix (a phrase used by his hockey men over the past few months) and fighting for a playoff spot.

This is a change from last year.

In his eyes, it will be important to see how the club progresses. That’s what he wants to focus on, given that it’s still possible for the club to miss the playoffs.

After all, he’s not saying you have to make them, but you have to be in the mix.

To do that, the club will have to make progress on the ice, and the owner believes in that. In his eyes, with the youngsters growing up and in it for the long haul, the Habs are on the right track for the future.

Geoff Molson wants things done right and the club rebuilt at the right pace. He has a lot of faith in Jeff Gorton and Kent Hughes.

He especially likes Gorton’s experience with Kent Hughes and Martin St-Louis, three men who have good chemistry together.

It’s clear that the owner wants to raise expectations for this season, without necessarily saying that the club will make the playoffs. A step has obviously been taken in his eyes.

It remains to be seen what the outcome will be.


– Jeff Gorton talks about playing big games in April.

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