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Mike Ribeiro pleads guilty to one count of indecent assault
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Mike Ribeiro has been in the news for all kinds of things, mostly for the wrong reasons.

As talented as he was on the ice, he made a mess off it.

A few years ago, Mike Ribeiro was accused of sexual assault, but there was no further development other than the fact that he made bail on the spot.

However, as we learned in January 2024, Ribeiro could face 20 years in prison on three counts of sexual assault and indecent exposure.

He was eventually acquitted of the first two counts (sexual assault), but this morning he finally pleaded guilty to the third count (indecent assault).

This is what we learn from Kevin Dubé of the Journal de Québec.

By the way, in another article published today by Kevin Dubé, you can read a full translation of the victim’s testimony.

I warn you, it’s pretty disturbing.

In short, having pleaded guilty to touching the victim’s genitals without her consent, Ribeiro is off the hook (unfortunately).

He won’t do any jail time, as he only has one day to serve, which he had already done, and will have to pay a $4,000 fine.

It’s good that he pleaded guilty, but if he really did this, it deserves more than a slap on the wrist…

He’s getting off pretty lightly for having affected the victim’s life so much, but also her family’s, as she explains well in her testimony, which she read directly to Ribeiro.

We also learn in the testimony that he raped the aunt and cousin of the victim in question…

In short, Ribeiro is no choirboy.


– Yes, he is.

– Wow!

– It doesn’t get much tighter than this.

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