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Laine and Hutson not on the first wave of the power play
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot

To improve the Habs’ performance on the power play, you need more goals.

It’s not the hardest thing on earth to understand.

Martin St-Louis will be in charge of the powerplay this season, and he’ll have several cards to play. The addition of Patrik Laine and Lane Hutson to the line-up, two guys renowned for their offensive talent, should help.

The Habs worked on the powerplay today in practice, and the combinations look interesting.

We find the first line + Dach and Matheson on the first wave, while Laine, Newhook, Roy, Gallagher and Hutson complete the second unit.

Seeing Gallagher used on the power play is one thing (especially in 2024).

But to see Laine and Hutson used on the second wave of the power play is quite another:

Should we necessarily be surprised by Martin St-Louis’ choices?

In my opinion, the answer is no.

While many see Hutson as a better quarterback than Matheson on the power play, Matheson has proven himself worthy of starting the season in that chair.

We’re still talking about a guy who finished last season among the elite in terms of offensive production for a defenseman.

Hutson could dislodge him at some point, but you have to respect the steps with him so as not to burn him. One thing at a time.

For Laine, it’s simple: he needs to shake off the rust, and he still has some work to do on that front. Especially since Caufield would have made two players with the same style on the same power play, and I don’t know how well they can cohabit on the ice together.

But like Hutson, he too could find himself on the first wave of the power play at some point. We know he has what it takes to help the Habs in such a situation, after all.

In closing, seeing Lane Hutson train on one of the two power play units is part of the proof that he’s earned his place with the Habs.

I also like the fact that Martin St-Louis is giving him a chance to shine, because that’s how the little defenseman will gain confidence.


– The guys look like giants next to Martin St-Louis. Hehe.

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