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Guhle on the first wave in AN: François Gagnon’s idea
Credit: Getty Images
Kaiden Guhle has many tools in his bag.

He’s known as a defender who excels defensively, but he’s also capable of creating things offensively.

40 points in 114 games for a defender of his style is worth something.

Then again, Guhle isn’t known as an offensive player.

That’s not his role, after all.

But in François Gagnon’s eyes, Guhle is so effective that he could be used on the first power-play unit.

Guhle has a good shot. He’s got more offensive skills than you’d think. – François Gagnon

I can understand François Gagnon’s idea.

That said, if Guhle is part of the first wave on the power play, there’s one guy who’ll have to bail out.

And here, I’m thinking of Caufield, Slaf, Suzuki, Matheson… Or Laine.

Will Martin St-Louis want to send Caufield or Laine to the second unit, even if we recognize their respective offensive talents?

And if so… will the player in question be happy to find himself in a more minimal role with a man advantage?

The Canadiens’ head coach has options on the table, and that’s where it gets interesting.

That wasn’t the case in recent years, after all… But I still get the impression that Guhle will have to work very, very hard if he wants to have a place on the power play.

He’s got some guys to beat, in fact.


– Hello, boys.

– Your pick?

– Hehe.

– Good!

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