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Patrik Laine and Lane Hutson will play their first preparatory game with the Habs tonight.
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
This morning in Brossard, the Habs completely shuffled their lineups. It seems that, with the arrival of the preparatory games, Martin St-Louis is organizing his groups so as to see certain guys play together.

And the guys skating this morning should be playing tonight.

Since Patrik Laine skated (as he did yesterday after a Saturday off), we have to conclude that he’ll be able to face the Philadelphia Flyers at 7pm.

Kirby Dach and Alex Newhook, the line from training camp, should look like the first trio tonight. The “real” first line is not expected to play. Expect them tomorrow, probably?

Lane Hutson will also be present.

Details to follow…

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