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Logan Mailloux: “It’s incredible here”
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
When he was young, Logan Mailloux went to school in French. He has French roots in his family.

As a result, he’s able to give interviews in French to journalists covering the Canadiens. We saw him once in a while last year.

And we saw him again today.

Mailloux began by saying he preferred to answer in English today, after today’s practice. But towards the end of his media availability, Martin McGuire asked him again if he could speak in French.

Mailloux said yes.

Asked if he was happy here and if playing in Montreal was helping him become the best player he can be, Mailloux responded with words a Québécois would use.

For example?

It’s incredible here! I want to stay here for my whole career. – Logan Mailloux

We’ll forgive him for mixing up my career and my career, of course. After all, it’s not always easy to know which word is masculine and which is feminine.

In my eyes, the question was a good one. And this, even if Mailloux couldn’t answer anything other than what is suggested by the famous tape.

Why is this a good question? Because, with what happened a few years ago, one might have wondered whether evolving in a market as intense as Montreal’s was the best thing for him on a personal level.

But clearly, he has the support of the organization and the fans don’t really seem to mind any more. So, yes, it’s possible that he can flourish in Montreal under these circumstances.

In Overtime

– Luke Hughes: six to eight weeks out.

– He’s ready to fight.

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