BONUS! The fall schedule is complete at BPM Sports… and there will be a lot of on-air changes →
– DansLesCoulisses (@DLCoulisses) August 8, 2023

Over the past few days, BPM Sports has announced the departure of Jean-Charles Lajoie. The host of the station’s morning show has officially left on a mutual decision basis, it was announced.
And this, even Réjean Tremblay has confirmed.
The former Journal de Montréal columnist, whose departure from JdeM was announced yesterday to focus on other projects, spoke precisely about the subject with Jeff Fillion during a column on Radio Pirate.
– Have you spoken to Jean-Charles since his dismissal? – Jeff Fillion
– Yes (…) – Réjean Tremblay
During the column, Réjean Tremblay mentioned that it probably wasn’t a dismissal done in the wrong way, since during a dinner in a Montreal restaurant between Alexandre Panneton (the station’s DG) and himself, JiC arrived by chance.
It was the day after the station’s official announcement, and the two men chatted for about ten minutes.
In Réjean’s opinion, the whole thing was done in the right way, since the press release serves to protect Jean-Charles and the station. With the workload he had (he was on the air in the morning at BPM Sports and in the evening at TVA Sports), it was easily justifiable.
The columnist said he often spoke to JiC to tell him that, in the end, it was the situation that led to all this. If he’d only had the show on the radio, he’d have been in his chair by the time he got back, not early in the morning.
After all, he was the one who first publicly announced Jean-Charles Lajoie’s dismissal.
Salut les chums…. We mustn’t rejoice in the misfortune of others, but I’ll make an exception to the rule tonight, because there’s always justice on earth. Le GROS ZÉRO was fired this morning according to my informants. Paul Houde will take his place in the fall…
– Michel Villeneuve (@lederniervrai) July 31, 2023
Réjean explained that the bickering between Jean-Charles Lajoie and Michel Villeneuve goes back to the episode when the latter broke the news that Michel Therrien had called Max Pacioretty “the worst captain in Habs history”.
That’s when things got out of hand between the two men.
And why? Because Michel Villeneuve pulled out all the stops and JiC didn’t protect him. According to Réjean Tremblay, JiC’s relationship with Michel Therrien obviously got the better of him, and that’s when things got out of hand.
His friend Réjean Tremblay told him about it recently.
I’m taking a few seconds of my time to salute the departure of my friend Réjean Tremblay from JDM. We fought many battles together and I have unforgettable memories….
– Michel Villeneuve (@lederniervrai) August 10, 2023
When he was picking on Jean-Charles, Réjean told him to stop once the news was official. Why would he do that? To stop hitting a guy who’s already on the ground.
Let’s just say it’s a story that’s still getting people talking.
In bursts
– Good thing he’s here.
The Jays gave him the slimmest of advances, but he won anyway.
– Passion MLB (@passion_mlb) August 10, 2023
– Nathan Légaré lives for field hockey. [BPM Sports]
– Well done.
Spencer Torkelson, HUGE field hockey guy.
: @tigers
– BarDown (@BarDown) August 10, 2023
– A beautiful player.
#ALLCAPS Alex Ovechkin with the bar-down tweener in the shootout at the Danis Zaripov farewell game. Geesh.
– Field hockey News Hub (@HockeyNewsHub) August 9, 2023