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Learn to hate losing: Bob Hartley’s advice to the Habs
Credit: Getty Images

Since the start of the day, we’ve been talking non-stop about the Habs’ defeat last night. The club was outrageously downgraded, and you can sense that the fans haven’t digested it yet.

Rebuilding is one thing, but many want to see the club progress. Last night, it didn’t look like a team on the move.

Bob Hartley, speaking on BPM Sports, said he’d like to see the Canadiens learn to hate losing. The club must avoid complacency.

And in reality, he’s right. Losses like yesterday are completely unacceptable, and this must be a clear benchmark for the guys.

A performance like that can’t happen again. Rebuilding doesn’t excuse all defeats… because not all defeats are equal (no matter what the rankings think).

Because clearly, last night, the Flanelle weren’t exactly holy. The legends of the 1970s were honored… just before a dreadful performance by the club’s 2024-25 edition.

It got Tony Marinaro all worked up on the radio and he’s not the only media personality to agree.

Earlier this evening, JiC published a text on the TVA Sports website in which he came to the following conclusion: facing the Habs is far from what it’s ever been for opposing teams.

We’re like Columbus or Calgary. There’s nothing that sets us apart anymore. – Jean-Charles Lajoie

Yes, the Habs have the atmosphere of the Bell Centre, and they have fans who are loyal to the club. That said, the days are long gone when facing the Canadiens was a real challenge for the opposing team.

Last night’s 1970s players must have swallowed hard at the sight of such a defeat.

No, the NHL isn’t what it used to be. That said, that’s no excuse for tolerating such performances. To do so would be to take the fast track to the highway that leads to complacency in mediocrity.

It would be an exaggeration to call for heads and change everything after just one defeat… but if the Habs don’t start hating defeat, they could become “just another game on the calendar”.


– It’s still the talk of the town. I still don’t think it would have made much difference.

– Calum Ritchie sent back to junior.


This content was created with the help of AI.

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