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Kaiden Guhle skates solo this morning
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot

In the last few days, we’ve learned that Kaiden Guhle will be the subject of an update on Thursday.

The player who had his appendix removed last week has not yet taken part in training camp activities. However, he is making progress.

This morning, in Brossard, he was spotted on the ice. He skated solo.

It doesn’t tell the whole story, but it’s already a clue that he’s getting better. We’ll wait for more details from the Habs’ management for the next step.

If all goes well, he should be practicing with his team soon. I don’t expect to see him play this week, but who knows if he’ll be able to play at least one of the last two preparatory games.

Remember that during practices, David Reinbacher is often seen alongside Mike Matheson. It’s likely that Reinbacher, who is expected to start in Laval, will warm Guhle’s seat.

We’ll see in due course, though.

But it’s not just Guhle to keep an eye on, though, as the Habs play in Toronto tonight. And if the Habs’ practices are anything to go by, let’s just say they’ll be fighting on unequal terms tonight.

While Toronto’s line-up will be relatively full, many of the Habs’ regulars are lining up to stay at home.

Details to come…

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