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Cole Caufield would have finished his 22-23 season badly had he not been injured, according to Sportlogiq

If there’s one thing that gives many people hope that the Habs will have a better 2023-2024 season, despite the small improvements on the ice, it’s the fact that the CH can hardly do worse in terms of injuries.

Last year, the CH was historically injured. The result was the season we know today.

Among all the guys behind in the photo, there are hundreds of missed games. And even among those who finished the season healthy, there are players who missed games.

Remember: only Nick Suzuki played every game.

Among all the absences, Cole Caufield’s hurt quite a bit. After all, the diminutive scorer scored 26 goals in 46 games, and a good old rule of three predicts that out of 82 games, he could have scored 47.

We’re talking 21 more goals.

Of course, we don’t know if he really would have scored 21 more goals – we’ll never know. What we do know is that, according to Sportlogiq, he might not have been as dominant in the second half of the season.

Why do I say this?

According to Sportlogiq’s experts, consulted by journalist Jean-Nicolas Blanchet for the occasion, without the injuries, the Habs would have scored 13 more goals than the 232 scored in 82 games this season.

This would have brought the total to 245.

When you consider that only one forward played at least 70 games, you realize that guys like Mike Hoffman, Josh Anderson, Christian Dvorak, Jonathan Drouin, Kirby Dach and obviously Cole Caufield, just to name a few, could have scored 13 more goals than the replacements alone.

I don’t know how many goals are allocated to each guy, but that doesn’t leave Ti-Cole with many… especially when you consider that Sean Monahan and Brendan Gallagher really haven’t played much this season and that Paul Byron wasn’t there. We’re already talking about dozens of three-goal games, aren’t we?

(Credit: Hockey DB)

Clearly, Sportslogiq was anticipating a slump in Caufield. Otherwise, the numbers just don’t add up.

Obviously, to be mathematically correct, you have to consider the production of the substitutes. Having said that, we’re going to agree that the only substitute who had a production worthy of the name is RafaĂ«l Harvey-Pinard with 14 nets.

The others? Nothing to write home about with Jesse Ylönen or Alex Belzile (six goals each), let’s say.

13 more goals is one every six games. That’s not enough to climb the standings quickly and pick up a lot more wins, as we all agree. And I can’t believe that, with a healthy club, the CH only scored 13 more. They didn’t have such a bad club.

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