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Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau’s sister found a new way to honor them
Credit: Getty Images
For the past ten days, the NHL has been revolving around the Gaudreau brothers. Johnny and Matthew, as you know, lost their lives on the heels of a car accident.

We understand more and more how much these two brothers have touched the lives of so many people, and seeing them lose their lives on the eve of their sister’s wedding makes it all the sadder.

And on that subject, seeing Katie Gaudreau add “J & M” to her ring is a touching symbol.

On this Monday, the family and loved ones of the two guys are going to experience some pretty strong emotions as it’s the funeral of the two brothers. It will take place in Pennsylvania, not far from where the Gaudreaus grew up.

It’s going to be a big event all over the NHL. Every member of the Blue Jackets will be there.

The public won’t be able to attend the event on site, but it’s important to know that the Blue Jackets, via their social networks, will ensure that sports fans can watch the ceremony live.

This will be at noon, for those interested.

Obviously, this is going to attract a lot of attention across the NHL. Expect it to be a more “sober” day across the league, so as not to cut off attention to the Gaudreaus.

Renaud Lavoie, on BPM Sports, mentioned this morning that some of the players who are currently in Vegas to meet the media (a showcase of this kind is on the menu every year) this week, will keep the brothers in mind.

They may not be as eager as usual to be in Vegas for the usual car wash.

With the camps starting soon, and following the funeral, tributes to the Gaudreau family will no doubt become more sober afterwards – without forgetting the two guys, of course.


– Next week, the series on the Habs rebuild begins.

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