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Rookie camp: the Habs’ top-4 defense is truly impressive
Credit: Getty Images
Earlier today, the Canadiens announced their roster for the rookie camp.

At the outset, one thing is easy to notice: the quality of the defence is impressive.

After all, Adam Engström, David Reinbacher, Lane Hutson and Logan Mailloux will be leading the group…

It makes Scott Wheeler think that the Habs’ top-4 is one of the best he’s seen in a rookie camp.

Seeing so many good young defensemen in a line-up like this is pretty special:

Every young player’s development is different.

That said… Let’s dream a little.

If these four guys are able to reach their full potential, the Habs are going to be in a car.

Add to that group Kaiden Guhle, Arber Xhekaj, Justin Barron (?)… And the Habs can boast a fine young defensive brigade for the coming years.

That’s why it’s starting to get really exciting for fans, by the way.

The young guys are growing, the existing guys are getting better… It’s really hard not to get excited when you think about the Canadiens’ future.

And that’s good news, because the last few years have been really tough on the ice. The club has lost more often than not, and while fans have continued to flock to the Bell Centre to cheer on the team, it’s nice to think that good results are on the way.

We all love the Habs when they win… ESPECIALLY when they win!


– Igor. And that’s not a question.

– Wow.

– Happy retirement!

– He’s dominant.

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