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Jonatan Berggren: the Canadiens are interested

With the trade deadline just around the corner (it’s less than three months away… and it’s going to pass quickly), teams are becoming aware of the market.

The more time goes by, the more the clubs know about each team’s strengths and weaknesses. And the more time passes, the more we know who’s going to buy and who’s going to sell.

For the Canadiens, who will undoubtedly end up selling, we know that goalkeepers and Sean Monahan are the most pressing issues. But that doesn’t mean he can’t work on something else, if need be.

Such as?

Earlier this week, David Pagnotta told us that the Habs were in discussions about forwards. We weren’t sure, however, who was involved.

And now, this lunchtime on The Fourth Period, the journalist has linked the Habs to Jonatan Berggren.

As a writer, I’d just like to say that having Jonatan Berggren and Johnathan Kovacevic without either of them putting the right number of “h “s in their first name would be… a shame? Comical? Ironic?

But it doesn’t really matter.

The fact is, Berggren isn’t comfortable in Detroit. The Swede can’t seem to break into the lineup after playing 67 games (28 points, including 15 goals) with the Red Wings last year.

This season, he has 15 points in 16 games in Grand Rapids and two goals (three points) in six games up top. His two goals were scored yesterday and the day before, since his emergency recall.

Berggren is a left-handed right-winger. He is 5’11 and weighs 197 pounds. He is a 33rd overall pick in 2018 who is 23 years old and in his third season in North America.

The youngster seems aware that he could be traded. We don’t know if that’s his wish, but he understands that the Red Wings have had discussions to that effect, according to what Pagnotta wrote.

Note that it’s not certain whether he’ll be traded or whether the Habs will be the club to get him. But the Flannel is the only team mentioned by the journalist. For what it’s worth…

Pagnotta also mentioned, in his text, that David Savard would be a name to watch in 2024. If I wanted to start a rumour, I’d say the Red Wings like to go after our veterans on the blue line… but I doubt the Red Wings are interested in Savard.

In gusts

– Ouch.

– He’ll have to earn his playing time.

– Senators in trouble? No no no, what a surprise.

– Super Bowl 2027 in L.A.?

– Pardon?

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