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25Stanley/Stanley25: the kind of bite you don’t see much of these days
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot

This is it. The cat La dope is out of the bag… and the new/old duo I’m forming with JT has started rubbing it in your face.

I think I’ve run out of puns and analogies with you-know-what. Ça va faire, as the other guy would say.

JT Utah, founder of the now defunct 25Stanley website and entrepreneur now behind the InstaHabs brand on social networks, and I have always wanted to set up a joint project. It took fifteen years, but now it’s done!

The rebirth of the 25Stanley brand under a slightly less legally dangerous tangent: Stanley25.25Stanley is still owned by Bell, legally speaking…

We decided to take the plunge, somewhat blindly, by producing 10 episodes of a podcast that we’re building as it takes off. A bit like the CAQ before its COVID crisis management, but with less control over your lives and a whole lot more fun

The first episode was recorded last week and published late yesterday afternoon.

These first 45 minutes will have two possible effects on you: either you’ll want more (and will be happy to know that I’m off to type up the second episode soon), or you’ll tell yourself that this type of content isn’t for you. Which camp are you in?

Here it is, that famous first episode (already viewed by almost 2,000 people in the space of just a few hours):

For those in a hurry, or for those who’d like to get a taste of the product before watching 45 minutes in one go, here are two short extracts from Angela Price and Enrico Ciccone:

Why watch the whole episode, and not just the excerpts?
We must have told ourselves a dozen anecdotes and stories related to the Quebec sports scene during the first shoot. So eight of them are only available in one place: in the full episode on YouTube (and soon on Apple and Spotify).

What’s more, the juiciest anecdotes won’t always be the subject of cut-out segments on social networks. The constant emphasis, week after week, on the trashiest bits of the podcast could have the effect of making us look like m*rds, when taken out of context.

What’s 9 Million?
The Stanley25 podcast is a work in progress. The proof? What you’ve been watching for the past few hours was just a pilot… which we finally decided to publish to test the heat of the water.

The project is spearheaded by 9 Millions, a new medium created by Serge Fortin (former TVA boss) and Denis Lévesque. I’d like to thank them for their confidence and, above all, their open-mindedness.

What’s in storefor the second episode?
After weighing up publishing, I’ll be leaving for the studios in the north of Montreal. We haven’t yet made the final plannig for the second show, but I already know I’ll have two Marc Bergevin anecdotes to tell. We’ll be talking about nightlife, transactions, dismissals and disgust with alternative media like DLC and 25Stanley in the past (and still today).

We plan to release this second episode on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on the studio editors’ schedule… and on the day when we’re going to want to write “o*i que vous êtes mauvais!” between dozens of comments telling us that our new product is refreshing.

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