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Your daily dose of hockey
Mike Matheson visits children in an elementary school

When I was young, I usedtothink of NHL players as heroes, so every time I got to meet a Canadiens player, I’d go nuts. What’s cool is that the guys understand how special this is. This morning, the Canadiens’ defenseman took the time to visit students at St. Gabriel elementary school in Montreal. I’ll let you count the smiles in the following videos, posted by Tony Marinaro:

In addition to delighting the children who were there this morning, the Canadiens’ defenseman even earned himself a little card with all the students’ signed names on it. On a more serious note, it’s heartwarming. It really does. I’d like to salute Matheson for his gesture. It’s important to see the Habs players involved in the community, because the fans have given them undisputed support for so many years. We know how much the fans care about the team’s success… And by organizing events like this morning’s, it gives the players a chance to thank the fans in some way.Imagine how happy the parents were to pick up their child from school this afternoon and see that they’re so excited to have had the chance to meet a Habs player. It’s sure to make for some great moments, and it’s especially the kids who get to enjoy them .

In gusto

– Ohoh.

– All in all, an interesting project.

– Marc-AndrĂ© Fleury could get the boot… Again.

– Good news.

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