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Roberto Luongo shows up in a beer league
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Roberto Luongo was a great goalkeeper of his time. He may not have won the Stanley Cup as a player, but otherwise, he pretty much accomplished everything he had to accomplish.

For the past few years, he’s been working in the Panthers’ offices, but he’s still a goalie at heart.

We saw him on the heels of the 2023 All-Star Game, when he jumped on the ice in his Panthers gear on the night of the league’s famous skills competition.

But recently, he’s taken it to another level.

A Florida beer league was missing a goalie for a game. So the club in question put out a “goalie wanted” ad so they could play hockey.

And you see where I’m going with this.

Luongo saw the ad and decided to show up. So it was with his Panthers stock that the Québécois entered the room and lent himself to the game for an evening.

In the playoff game, Luongo’s club won 4-2. Imagine the reaction, despite the defeat, of the two boys who managed to outwit one of the great goalies in history…

Luongo helped eliminate the league’s defending champions, which surely made his “new team” very happy.

Guys like that are still hockey fans. After all, he didn’t have to show up in such a league to play, but he did anyway. #ForTheLoveOfTheGame

And it makes for a good story.


– Nice picture.

– Rookie games will be on RDS.

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