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Patrik Laine jumps on the ice in Brossard to get back into it
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot

As you may know, Patrik Laine arrived in Montreal in the last few days. He’ll now be preparing for the season in his new team’s environment.

And clearly, he’ll be spied on.

The Flanelle’s new forward was seen this morning in Brossard. He skated with several of his new team-mates, and it’s clear that this attracted the attention of just about everyone.

Right now, several players are skating together in Brossard before the start of training camp. By necessity, the guys are chasing rust together.

And Laine clearly has more rust to chase than the others.

We saw him handling pucks, but let’s just say he didn’t have his usual hands. He wasn’t as fluid as Patrick Kane can be, as TVA Sports pointed out on X.

See for yourself.

Obviously, this is just a short clip from a single session and we’re not going to worry about it. There’s still plenty of time for him to get his shot back, which is his weapon of choice.

And already, the more time passed, the better it got. He’ll continue to build up his confidence to start next season strongly.


– Patrik Laine: 50-goal potential, according to Serge Savard.

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