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Sylvain St-Laurent hired in Ottawa: French-language media coverage takes a hit
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
The Ottawa Senators made some personnel moves today.

They hired Ian Mendes as VP Communications, and appointed Sylvain St-Laurent as Director of Communications.

Taking a step back, we realize that the hiring of Sylvain St-Laurent is very similar to that of Chantal Machabée in Montreal.

The links are easy to make, since Sylvain St-Laurent was previously – like Chantale Machabée – a journalist in the media world.

He covered the Senators for several years for Journal Le Droit, and was communications manager for the Ottawa team in the FHL during the last campaign.

That said, the hiring of Sylvain St-Laurent may seem “flat” to French-speaking Senators fans because he was pretty much one of the “only” sources covering the Sens in French in Ottawa.

What I’m trying to say here is that this is great news for Sylvain St-Laurent… but it also means that there will be less coverage of the Senators, especially in French .

The same can be said for Ian Mendes, who was also a journalist before being hired by the Sens.

He was assigned to cover the team for The Athletic platform. He covered the club’s activities in English, and it will be interesting to see if The Athletic tries to find a replacement for him.

On the other hand, it’s worth noting that the hiring of Chantal Machabée in Montreal didn’t have the same impact, because there was already a lot of media covering the Habs’ activities.

The market is bigger in Montreal because there’s more interest, and you don’t have to look any further than that to explain the situation.

But hey. The Sens needed to find someone to connect with their French-speaking fan base, and Sylvain St-Laurent is able to fill that role because of his experience and native language.

A good for a bad, then.


– Whew…

– Ah oui?

– Excellent.

– Time flies…

– Out of the ordinary.

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