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“Evander Kane wants a suspension because he can’t afford the $5,000 fine”
Credit: Photo by Codie McLachlan/Getty Images

For better or worse, Evander Kane has always been the talk of the town. The player is no stranger to controversy, let’s put it that way.

This isn’t the first time I’ve started something like this in the last few days, because it’s always true in his case. It was true when we talked about his departure from golf… and it’s true again this morning.

After all, yesterday, his hit on Tyler Myers attracted as much attention as his ability to change a hockey game with his first-rate hockey skills.

The question on the table: will he be suspended? If Carson Soucy had a game…

Because Evander Kane is a big-name star and the playoffs are in full swing, one wonders how the NHL will handle his potential suspension.

And former Canucks goalie Eddie Lack has his own thoughts on the matter.

The Swede, who is now a real estate agent in Arizona, said on X that Kane will be praying for a one-game suspension since he can’t afford a $5,000 fine.

If you’re looking for a little entertainment, Eddie Lack took the time to respond to quite a few people who wrote back to mention that he was just jealous of the fact that Kane is still playing. Attacking him on his money problems didn’t go down well with some.

Lack says he’s just a nobody with a bad glove (that wasn’t his strength as a goalie in the NHL, after all) and that nothing can get him off the hook after all he’s been through.

It’s not his only line in the genre.

The Oilers knew what they were getting into when they signed Kane. Let’s just say that right now, it’s the ugly side that’s coming out. Are the Oilers’ leaders strong enough to get over social networking stories like this? I think they are.

In gusto

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