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Anna Kane: “Evander asked to take me out because’he has a small penis”

In recent years, Anna Kane (Evander’s ex-wife) has often been talked about for all the wrong reasons.

Listen to this. If I started listing all her bizarre gestures and behaviors, I’d have until next month. And I’m hardly exaggerating.

The point is, she’s accused him of all kinds of things (she claimed Kane might kill their child, she publicly accused him of sexually and physically assaulting her)… So much so that today, the Oilers player has a restraining order against her.

But it’s been a while since we’ve heard any news about Anna Kane… And she’s in the news today because she was at the Oilers game last night.

No, actually… She’s in the news today because she got pulled from the Oilers game last night :

In the video of the tweet above, we see her after the game in a bar bragging that she went to bother her ex-husband.

She says that when Evander Kane saw her, he probably left a mark in her panties and called security to have her ejected from the match, which was being staged at the Red Wings’ home.

“Evander asked to take me out because he has a small penis. she said in a photo of herself being escorted out of the building by security guards.

Very mature.

Ah yes! I almost forgot!

During the game, she also posted photos of Dylan Larkin onher Instagramaccount… cheering him on and saying “Big D energy” in reference to the Wings captain.

I don’t think I need to draw you a picture for you to understand.

She corrected herself today with another photo of Larkin (his stats sheet on Hockey DB) to say that “the Larkin thing is 10 years old” and that the girls need to calm down because he’s married.


Anna Kane has a knack for getting people talking about her for all the wrong reasons, and clearly, she hasn’t changed since all that happened with Evander.

For better or worse, I guess.

In short

– Speaking of the wolf.

– Big loss for the Jets.

– Nice!

– Love this.

– It starts soon!

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