After all, a diminutive 5’9″ forward who plays with such intensity and isn’t afraid to get physical rarely lasts long in the NHL.
He’s played several full seasons, but not without pain. He’s often played with a hidden injury, always wanting to give his all for his club.
Byron’s career path is rather different from Gallagher’s, even though they were both drafted late and had to work twice as hard.
We all know that Montreal is one of the biggest field hockey markets in the NHL, but when players compare their time in Montreal to other cities, that’s when you realize that Montreal is in a class of its own.
His biggest adjustment was realizing just how big a city Montreal is, and that even if you’re a bottom-6 player, it’s much more common to get noticed.
“In Calgary, 4th trio players don’t get discounts at the dealership. You can go to the grocery store and no one will recognize you. It was a nice city, good fans, but it’s not even close to being Montreal. First night in Montreal, I went to La Queue de Cheval steakhouse , got a steak, sat at the bar and the bartender knew exactly who I was.” – Paul Byron
Byron hadn’t played a single game with the CH, it was his first night in town and he’s already getting recognized in restaurants, something that would never have happened in Calgary.
Especially for a fourth-row player who’s just been called up.
“You have to be great every game. I think that’s the hardest thing to learn as a young player. In Montreal, the media are always there, talking about it. The coaches and the GM are watching you every day.” – Paul Byron
What is the biggest learning curve in the NHL?
: https://t.co/mRBAGPEKSl
: https://t.co/L6QTN3zl1T
: https://t.co/YNanNXv01f#RawKnucklesPodcast #GoHabsGo #PaulByron pic.twitter.com/CvW6wwoNx8
– The Raw Knuckles Podcast (@RawKnucklesPod) August 27, 2023
It may be scary for some, but it’s what makes Montreal the city it is.
– What do you think?
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: Sportsnet + SN NOW. pic.twitter.com/JvbSZzv30h
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