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Many scouts think Ivan Demidov’s skating is a problem
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Corey Pronman seems to have a habit of being harsh when he talks about Canadiens prospects.

For example?

In a recent ranking of the best players / prospects aged 23 and under, he put Ivan Demidov 17th on the list, which caused a reaction. But in the text, he refers to the Russian as a player with a below-average skating stroke.

This caused a reaction because Demidov is dexterous on his skates.

He’s able to pivot easily on himself and that allows him to be more creative on the ice.

The following video is a good example:

Arpon Basu went to “confront” Pronman about this and asked him to explain why he wrote this in his text in the first place.

Pronman defended himself by saying that several other scouts in the league shared the same opinion.

Pronman acknowledges that Demidov is a powerful skater, but finds the player’s technique awkward because his knees constantly bend inward as he moves around the rink:

I’d say most NHL scouts I’ve discussed this with think his skating stroke is a problem, rather than a strength. – Corey Pronman

It’s true that Demidov isn’t the most explosive skater on the ice.

That said, the fact that he’s so agile while pivoting on himself is one of his finest qualities.

Demidov takes his inspiration from Kirill Kaprizov, and it’s true that there are similarities when you see them moving around and changing direction so easily:

Maybe Demidov will have to work on his speed at some point and improve his technique, but to say that his skating is a problem… Well, that’s another way of looking at it.


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