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Five years for Jake Evans: one wonders if Kent Hughes will give in

Five years for Jake Evans: one wonders if Kent Hughes will give in
Credit: Getty Images
Jake Evans has been less talked about recently in Montreal. This is not unusual since the Four Nations Faceoff has taken all the attention due to the intensity of the games.

But now, the international games are behind us.

We will therefore bring back to the forefront an important question that was widely discussed: will Jake Evans sign a new contract before the trade deadline?

We will recall that the last time Jake Evans spoke to the media before the break, he did it by talking about the CH in the past. This made people talk.

Does this mean that his career in Montreal is definitely over? No, it doesn’t mean that… even if it was a good indication of how the player felt, in all this.

But where are we now?

Renaud Lavoie, who has always believed that a path to a contract was possible, addressed the subject last night on the TVA Sports airwaves. And listening to him, the path to a contract still exists. But this doesn’t mean it will be easy.

We suspect that money is a factor (I’ve always thought that $3.5 million per year was a fair contract) in the negotiations, but it’s mainly the number of years that’s being talked about.

And that, Renaud Lavoie didn’t hide.

No hiding, he wants five years. – Renaud Lavoie on Jake Evans

Does the Canadian want three years? If so, it’s easy to understand that to put water in his wine, the club will have to give one more year… and the player will have to ask for one less.

But is this going to happen?

What I’m most looking forward to seeing is how the file will be managed if we don’t reach an agreement before the deadline. Does Kent Hughes definitely want to sign him or trade him before March 7th?

I imagine that’s what he would prefer. But he could stay in Montreal without a long-term contract in his pocket. It’s not impossible in my eyes.

However, you can’t trade the guy just to not lose him. By acting in this way, the CH would demonstrate that anyone is available at any price with a little patience.

If Kent Hughes and Jeff Gorton don’t have the second-round pick they want, Evans must stay – whether he has a contract or not. The real question is what they will do if they have their price, but a contract with the player is not signed…

In a nutshell

– To be continued.

– Interesting.

– I like it.

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