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Questionable personal hygiene: Tony Marinaro responds to Jean-Charles Lajoie
Credit: I watched the segment last night and honestly, I didn’t find it that funny. What am I talking about? At the end of a lively debate between Tony Marinaro and Jean-Charles Lajoie (JiC / TVA Sports), Tony wrapped up the segment sarcastically with a “what a great show tonight, this is real TV. Take notes, […]
I watched the segment last night and honestly, I didn’t find it that funny.

What am I talking about?

At the end of a lively debate between Tony Marinaro and Jean-Charles Lajoie (JiC / TVA Sports), Tony wrapped up the segment sarcastically with a “what a great show tonight, this is real TV. Take notes, take notes,” perhaps thinking he had won the debate against Jean-Charles, who was rambling in an attempt to save face.

I wrote “wrapped up”, but that’s not quite what happened. There were still six seconds left before the break, and Jean-Charles added, as the theme was brought up:

“Don’t ever come close to me like that, your personal hygiene is questionable.” – Jean-Charles Lajoie.

What was the connection, you may ask? I don’t know. Especially since Félix Séguin continued the joke after the break, wiping Tony’s damp seat while the latter was no longer on set.

But hey…

Knowing Tony Marinaro, I was sure he would prepare something special for his segment today, especially since he didn’t get a chance to respond last night.

And that’s exactly what he did.

At the beginning of his segment today on TVA Sports, Tony asked JiC if he knew who had asked for him in Quebec while he was there to meet Ronaldinho.


The answer? Nobody! #LOL


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