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The CH will continue to win: Martin St-Louis does not intend to shave his beard.
Credit: Getty Images
This morning, I received a call. It was from my friend Tankathon.

Basically, he said he noticed that I talked less about him during the summer, only once the draft was over… but he felt that I was neglecting him a bit too much this season compared to previous campaigns.

I therefore had no choice but to tell him that this season, aside from the Canadiens’ results, I didn’t really have a choice but to set him aside.

(Credit: Tankathon)
The results speak for themselves: if the season ended today, the Canadiens would be lined up to draft 16th overall. Winning the lottery (1.1% chance of happening) would give the Habs the sixth spot in the next draft. #Unlikely

And all this is because the CH is one point behind the Bruins and the bottom spot in the playoffs. The CH has a better points percentage than the Bruins, who have two more games played this season.


The fact that the Canadiens are the team of the moment in the NHL – let’s not mince words – means that their rise in the standings is simply spectacular. Nothing less.

Let’s just say it was hard to foresee such a rise at the beginning of December.

Just yesterday, the Canadiens beat one of the good teams in the NHL, namely the Stars. This was done on the road, without Emil Heineman and with Michael Pezzetta, who is increasingly living on borrowed time.

One wonders if the coach has celebrated like that again…


Thus, there is only one logical explanation for discussing the Canadiens’ rise: Martin St. Louis’s beard.

The mixed beard, as my father calls it, has been around for a few weeks. And for the past few weeks, the Montreal Canadiens have been winning games like there’s no tomorrow.

Coincidence? Probably not.

And on this topic, after the 3-1 victory against Dallas, St. Louis was asked if he was superstitious and if he planned to shave soon. And rest assured: no, he does not plan to shave in the near future.


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