The CH will continue to win: Martin St-Louis does not intend to shave his beard.
Charles-Alexis Brisebois
Basically, he said he noticed that I talked less about him during the summer, only once the draft was over… but he felt that I was neglecting him a bit too much this season compared to previous campaigns.
I therefore had no choice but to tell him that this season, aside from the Canadiens’ results, I didn’t really have a choice but to set him aside.

The fact that the Canadiens are the team of the moment in the NHL – let’s not mince words – means that their rise in the standings is simply spectacular. Nothing less.
Let’s just say it was hard to foresee such a rise at the beginning of December.
One wonders if the coach has celebrated like that again…
Thus, there is only one logical explanation for discussing the Canadiens’ rise: Martin St. Louis’s beard.
The mixed beard, as my father calls it, has been around for a few weeks. And for the past few weeks, the Montreal Canadiens have been winning games like there’s no tomorrow.