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When two teams fight… in the doggies

When two teams fight… in the doggies
Credit: People in Ontario obviously have no idea how to deal with doggies. That’s the conclusion I draw after two different events, and I apply it to millions of people because… I’m acting in good faith. First, Michael Misa, who plays in the OHL, sent a doggie back into the stands during a doggie toss on […]

People in Ontario obviously have no idea how to deal with doggies. That’s the conclusion I draw after two different events, and I apply it to millions of people because… I’m acting in good faith.

First, Michael Misa, who plays in the OHL, sent a doggie back into the stands during a doggie toss on the ice. He earned himself a suspension in the process. #Bravo

And now, in a game between Ottawa and Barrie in Ontario, the guys from both teams got into a fight during a doggie toss.

Of course, it’s not uncommon to see clashes after a goal. In the heat of the action between two teams, these things can happen once in a while.

But here? Funny.

When you see the guys fighting while the lights are on and hundreds of doggies are being thrown around the rink, it adds an element that’s… er… fairytale-like?

Maybe that’s not the right word, but whatever.

I think seeing the Grinch on the ice makes it even sicker. He wasn’t ready for that… and I wonder how much he wanted to jump into the fray.

It would have made the whole thing even more implausible.


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