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Sens’ prospects lost big time against the Devils’ prospects
Credit: Capture d'écran / Screenshot
Rookie camps got underway across the NHL earlier this week.

That said, the various teams are starting to face each other to evaluate their respective prospects… And the Senators’ (young) first outing is getting a lot of attention today.

Why do I say that? Because the Sens lost 9-1 to the Devils.

It’s not a very conclusive debut.

Carter Yakemchunk, the 7th pick in the last draft, had a tough game like the rest of his teammates, and let’s just say it wasn’t necessarily encouraging.

Even Scott Wheeler (The Athletic) found it hard to watch:

The good news?

The game was not important in terms of standings, and some of the players will have a chance to bounce back tomorrow.

That said… This is a slap in the face for the Senators organization.

In a way, it shows that the staff and players weren’t super-prepared to face the music.

A 9-1 scoreline hurts at any level. It’s not like it’s football…

It’s too early to press the panic button in Ottawa, but things will have to settle down at some point.

We keep saying that the Sens have a bright future, and they have to find a way to please their fans.

Imagine, if the Habs lost 9-1 in a weekend game against the Leafs’ prospects…

The city would be in an uproar!


– Hum…


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