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Steve Bégin declares bankruptcy

Auteur: cbrown
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Steve Bégin declares bankruptcy
Credit: Getty Images

When he played for the Canadiens, Steve Bégin was one of the crowd’s favorite players.

The reason for this is easy to understand.

Every time he played, the Québécois gave his all on the ice… And he never took a night off when he played in the NHL.

However, the fan-favorite announced some sad news earlier today.

In a post on Instagram, the former Habs player said he had been forced into bankruptcy due to an investment that didn’t work out.

In his publication, Bégin claims in particular that the civil engineering company in which he invested “significant sums of money” in 2013 went bankrupt.

See this publication on Instagram

A publication shared by Steve Begin (@stevebegin22)

Steve Bégin says he’s not doing this to make people feel sorry for him: rather, he wants to send a message to those who want to invest money at some point in their lives.

What he wants is for people to be cautious when dealing with another person, and it’s the word “trust” that comes up a lot in his publication.

That said, it takes courage to make an exit like that, but it screams Steve Bégin.

Once again, we’re talking about a proud guy who fought all his life to get what he wanted, and it’s sad to see him in a situation like this today.

We have to wish him the best, because it’s a hard blow for him:

I find this experience very trying, disappointing and above all hurtful. – Steve Bégin


– I can’t wait to see him in Montreal.

– An assist for Oliver Kapanen today.

– Looks good on him.

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