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Carey Price’s former fitness trainer prosecuted
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An athlete like Carey Price is surrounded by a lot of people when it comes to training. After all, you have to give yourself every chance of success.

Among the people around the former goalkeeper was Jean-François Gaudreau. We’re talking about a physical trainer who worked with many people, including Carey and Angela Price as well as Georges St-Pierre and Olivier Aubin-Mercier.

So he was well known.

However, Jean-François Gaudreau is currently in trouble on the heels of the bankruptcy (2023) of the XPN training center on the South Shore.

Why is this?

Because several athletes who were associated with him (Carey Price was not, even though the two men worked together) are claiming $1 million and $100,000 in punitive damages.

Mathieu Boulay of the Journal de Montréal reports.

Bankruptcy of Centre XPN Rive-Sud: athletes, including field hockey player Nicolas Deslauriers, sue their former partner – Mathieu Boulay, Journal de Montréal

Gaudreau is accused, as reported by JdeM, of forging certain signatures to gain access to documents, in addition to concealing financial information.

Nicolas Deslauriers, Patrick Côté, Maxim Noreau and Kuno Wittmer are those who have a bone to pick with Jean-François Gaudreau. The four men have invested money in his center, but they feel that the conditions under which they invested do not reflect reality.

XPN’s business model has never been profitable for anyone other than JFG and Gaudreau. – Excerpt from the lawsuit against Jean-François Gaudreau

Zach Fucale did not invest any money, but he accuses Gaudreau of using his name without his consent. It just goes to show that a lot of people have something against him.

We also note that the closing of the center was carried out without the local shareholders having any say in the matter. They simply heard what was happening after it all had happened.

We’ll see how far this goes, but at this point, it shouldn’t affect Price. The Habs veteran worked with Gaudreau, but was not associated with him.

Seeing Price associated with the case, however, shows that Gaudreau had a good reputation and worked with great athletes on the South Shore. If he wasn’t competent, Price wouldn’t have used his services.

At this point, the focus is on whether the athletes associated with him will see justice on their side in the future, or whether they will have wasted their money and time. Cases like this can sometimes take a long time to resolve.

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