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Kings in Quebec City: Phillip Danault maintains that the “timing” is not the best

The Kings in Quebec City are the talk of California. That’s right!

Phillip Danault and Pierre-Luc Dubois, who play for the Los Angeles team, have been asked to comment on the situation… And their comments are very similar, as we read in an article by Alexandre Gascon (Radio-Canada).

Dubois says he “doesn’t want to get too involved in this”, while Danault “doesn’t want to compromise himself too much” when talking about this story, which has been the talk of the town for the past week.

The former Canadiens player understands that, at the moment, the Legault government is negotiating with the public sector and that $5-7 million of public money has been invested in the project.

Without openly saying that the announcement was made at a bad time, Danault considers that the timing was not ideal:

I wouldn’t say it’s flat for us, but the timing is just not the best. Otherwise, I don’t think it would have been a big mountain either. – Phillip Danault

Phillip Danault and Pierre-Luc Dubois have family in Quebec and both grew up in the province.

So it’s only natural that they’re a little skeptical about the whole thing.

In the last few days, we’ve seen a ton of funny posts on social networks about François Legault’s announcement.

The following two posts are good examples:

Seeing Éric Girard, Quebec’s finance minister, put money into the Kings’ case didn’t go over well with many people .

Because, in the end, what happens is that people ask questions about the true management of public funds.

Pierre-Luc Dubois and Phillip Danault shouldn’t feel bad, because they weren’t the ones who made the ultimate decision. But at the end of the day, it’s still interesting to note that the two Kings players don’t take it all with a grain of salt as Quebecers.

Breaking news

– We don’t often talk about him, by the way.

– We saw last night just how talented he is.

– It’s not ideal.

– It’s true.

– Wow.

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