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Huge increase in the salary cap: Nick Suzuki’s contract looks better than ever
Credit: Getty Images
You must have seen this coming, but the salary cap is going to rise significantly in the coming years.

In reality, the NHL and the Players’ Association have agreed to raise the cap by $25.5 million over the next three seasons – if nothing changes by then.

Here’s what it will look like.

  • 24-25: $88 million (for reference)
  • 25-26: $95.5 million
  • 26-27: $104 million
  • 27-28: $113.5 million
At a time when the NHL has significant decisions to make (expansion is on the table, the collective bargaining agreement is up for renegotiation, the TV contract is expiring, etc.), seeing such harmony years in advance is a positive sign.

At least in my eyes.

From the teams’ perspective, this is interesting. And for the Montreal Canadiens, who have been responsible with their money in recent years, the leeway will be huge.

Especially in the summer of 2027.

Currently, if we look at this, all contracts except four will leave the salary cap by July 1, 2027: Nick Suzuki, Cole Caufield, Juraj Slafkovsky, and Kaiden Guhle.

Here’s what it looks like.

  • Suzuki: $7.875 million until 2030
  • Caufield: $7.85 million until 2031
  • Slafkovsky: $7.6 million until 2033
  • Guhle: $5.55 million until 2031
All other contracts (active players, Carey Price, retained money, etc.) will no longer be there. Obviously, this is as of today since contracts will often be signed by then.

So Kent Hughes will have room to maneuver. He currently has only $28.875 million invested for 2027-2028, when the cap should be $113.5 million. That leaves $84.625 million to play with. Thanks to Marc Bergevin for the captain’s contract, right? #SalaryStructure

Only 25% of the projected cap will be used for the four key players. That’s a nice luxury… especially since in 2027-2028, Ivan Demidov will still be on his entry contract.

This will allow the club to acquire good players (we knew it, but now we know it… even more) and reward the young players who will be pushing – by exploding their salary structure. Caution will be needed, but I imagine the Canadiens’ management has suspected for a long time what’s coming.

In Brief

– He needs a little rest.

– A handshake for Marc-André Fleury: it was an idea from Mike Matheson.

– Hmmm…

– Interesting.

– Do we like it or not?

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