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The Blue Jackets organize a “Russian Heritage Evening”.

The Blue Jackets organize a “Russian Heritage Evening”.
Credit: Getty Images

December 12 will be a “special” evening in Columbus.

The club has announced an event that will allow some to receive a gift from the organization, in addition to being able to meet Kirill Marchenko after the game on the ice.

The problem? The Blue Jackets have named the evening “Russian Heritage Night”.

Of course, this makes it easy to believe that the Jackets have really dropped the ball.

After all, we know that Russia is at war with Ukraine, that anything to do with Russia is controversial lately… And let’s just say that the timing of this announcement is far from ideal.

Check out the comments under former sports journalist Slava Malamud’s Twitter post:

It’s, how can I put this… Quite special.

It’s logical to believe that it’s a rather significant lack of judgment under the circumstances, and it’s also logical to believe that it won’t please all Blue Jackets fans.

Because in doing so… it looks like the Blue Jackets simply want to get themselves into trouble. And that’s not necessarily complicated to understand, we agree.

At least, I don’t know who thought of it on the Columbus side, but it’s a miss.

Tickets for the evening are available by clicking on the link right here… But on digging around, I realized that the Blue Jackets haven’t made any announcement yet about the evening.

It’s funny, but I have a feeling they’re better off avoiding it to avoid getting into trouble.

Although, the damage has already been done…


– I like it.

– Good old Tyler Seguin.

– Bedard is not satisfied with his start to the season.

– They’re certainly surprising.

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